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Essence Magazine

My Love Letter to Essence Magazine💋

Apr 16

My love of fashion began at the age of six. My mom subscribed to Essence Magazine. I was awestruck by the beauty of the models and their clothing. They photographed in places my limited six-year-old vocabulary could not pronounce. I would ask my mom, "Where is Milan or Paris?" She would pull out the globe (yes, we had the big-blue- globe) and point to the different locations. I was so infatuated with fashion that I covered my bedroom walls with pictures of models. So much so that my mom would get upset with me for destroying her magazines. They say representation matters. I can attest to that!

My godmother was a model for Givenchy (GEE-VON-SHE, as she would correct me), and I thought she was the most glamorous person I knew. I suppose I had no choice but to grow up in love with fashion.

At the age of fifteen, my first job was at Urban Outfitters on the campus of the University of Penn. I LOVED that job. At the time, employees could take clothes instead of our salary. Needless to say, my paycheck was zero every other week!

In my opinion, fashion is a way of expressing yourself without using words. Some people prefer vintage or bohemian while others rock the artsy, sexy, or casual look.  Fashion Bomb Daily  described my style as "alluring and sophisticated!"

I love quality but not at the expense of breaking the bank. And, I do not believe you ever have to spend a lot of money to look like a million bucks!


Whatever your fancy, always stay true to who you are. And remember, trends are like dust in the wind. They come, and they go so, stick with timeless pieces. Once you are comfortable with who you are, and your unique style, you’ll never have to rely on “they” to tell you what to wear.

Thank you, Susan L. Taylor and Essence Magazine for providing a platform where a little brown six-year-old girl could see herself fabulously clothed, beautifully represented in magical places!


As always, remember…

“Being a lady never goes out of style!”

Hey Lady💋


Essence Cover by Johnny Wild

Yellow Dress by Gia Moore

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